The Academy of Medical Sciences, United Kingdom, and The Academy of Sciences, Malaysia, held a policy workshop on Advancing the development and access to diagnostics and therapeutics across Southeast Asia” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on July 1st -2nd. This workshop aimed to provide opportunities to advance efforts to develop and improve access to diagnostics and therapeutics in Southeast Asia (SEA). Dr. Yi Wang, Dr. Teerawat Wiwatpanit and Mr. Apiwat Piriyapol from MIDAS participated in the workshop to discuss opportunities, challenges and suggestions in the development and implementation of medical innovations in Thailand and Singapore and give insights for policy recommendations
Dr. Teerawat Wiwatpanit joined a panel of experts from across ASEAN region to introduce interventions on infrastructure and capacity for better collaborations in the development and deployment of diagnostics and therapeutics in SEA. Dr. Wang and Mr. Apiwat further discussed opportunities, future trends and solutions for medical technology and innovation in SEA. The two-day workshop concluded with all the experts identifying commonalities between each sector in the innovation landscape in the ASEAN region and provide support to each other in setting a pathway to collaborate and improve the development and implementation of diagnostics and therapeutics in SEA.
About HITAP Foundation
The Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program Foundation (HITAP Foundation) was established in 2007 as a research organization. Its main mission is to study both positive and negative impacts arising from the use of technology or health policies and present research results and relevant information to relevant government agencies, such as the Sub-committee on Development of the Essential Drugs List, the National Health Security Office (NHSO), and various agencies under the Ministry of Public Health for use in policy decision-making.
The HITAP Foundation also works internationally, especially in developing countries, with an emphasis on supporting the development of the capacity to conduct self-assessment of health technology.